The corresponding blank splits file can be found at. (It doesn't show up visually at all, so it won't mess up your existing layout.) Then, in the layout settings, in the 'Scriptable Auto Splitter' tab, click 'Browse.' and find the auto-splitter itself that you downloaded.
Would anybody be willing to download and test the auto-splitter for me? You can use it after downloading by editing your layout to include the 'Scriptable Auto Splitter', in the 'Control' submenu. (It ¤does¤ seem to work with the free Peggle Extreme, but that's not by design just a happy coincidence.) It doesn't work with Peggle Nights or Peggle World of Warcraft Edition. I've tested it only with the Steam version of Peggle Deluxe, but it should probably be suitable for the non-Steam version as well.
(Right-click that link and save to a file to download.) I've used it in a verified run (2:41:20 - ), and now I'm looking to make sure it works for everybody on their systems before uploading it to the Resources section and requesting for it to be included in LiveSplit itself. I've created an auto-splitter for Peggle Deluxe Adventure Mode, which I've made available at.